Boost Your Adsense Earning by Implementing Page-Level Ads

Download Earning Adsense Boaster 

Google Adsense was one of the best revenue streams for bloggers and content managers. But it was again in the golden days, and now the earning has diminished day by day. However, the Adsense team is trying hard to get the publishers back in order to regain its place as a giant in the image advertising industry. 

What is the level of Adsense ads at the page level?

According to my understanding, this type of ad is specifically for mobile users, and as you know, the number of mobile users has increased dramatically in the last few years. This feature can help target mobile users with in-depth ads and increase revenue. There are two new ads entered in the new feature:

Mobile ads that adhere to the user's screen edge and can be easily removed.
These two new page-level ads are automatically optimized by the Adsense team and will serve ads based on users' experience. Keep in mind that these ads will not change the user experience.

Increase Adsense Earning boaster:

Now here is a video tutorial in Urdu / Hindi to learn this whole thing practically, please watch the video carefully and take very simple steps to implement the new page for Adil Odys introduced by Google.

How will the return boost?

As Google said, your earnings will increase from Adsense, so we have to believe that and we must test the new feature as I explained in the above tutorial video in Urdu / Hindi. But you know, I made video tutorial and implement new ads, I waited for the day to see the result, and what I got here in the screenshot:

Adsense, earn

You can clearly see an increase in profits in the picture above, and this is just a result of a day after implementing the new ad format. I suggest you just go to implement the new ad format and see what you get as a result of this new development. If you have any questions then do not forget to ask him without any hesitation, I'll always be there to answer your questions and have some gossip 🙂 Happy earn!

Download Adsense Earning Boaster From Here:
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12 April 2022 at 05:57 ×

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Congrats bro Anonymous you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...
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