7 Awesome Ways To Know Your Visitors With Google Analytics

7 Awesome Ways To Know Your Visitors With Google Analytics From KrackBot Proteuz Technologies (proteuz.co.in)
Finally, after working hard on your blog or website you get some visitors. But without targeting your traffic you will end up landing in no man’s lands. You need to convert visitors into customers to generate revenue from your blog. Google Analytics help you know your visitors and so you can target those visitors to sell more.
Google Analytics allow you to get most desired result by analyzing your visitors. You can use it to improve your website’s content, conversions, and better user experience.
Check Out The 7 Awesome Ways To Know Your Visitors With Google Analytics

Determine Number Of  Visitors

Google Analytics let you know how many people are visiting your blog or website. You can easily track your traffic by how many new visitors do you have and how many of are returning visitors. It also provides you daily, weekly and monthly stats of the number of visitors. Furthermore, you can track the stats in chart format and help you to analyze whether your business is improving or not.

Track Your Visitors Location

It might be a daunting task to determine where you should target your blog. Thanks to Google Analytics, you don’t have to worry anymore. You can have the demographic stats of all your visitors. It lets you focus on a specific country, city or target your ad worldwide.
It helps you to track specific location from where the conversion rate is higher. Targeting those specific location’s visitors will result even better and finally, you can drive more sales.

Know Which Campaigns Bring Most Visitors.

So you have launched a new campaign but you don’t know how it is performing. You have been curious to know which one of your marketing campaigns bring more traffic and conversion to your site.
You will get all the stats of your campaign on the Advanced Segments of Google Analytics. It allows you to see all of your traffic and goal conversion data which will give you a good idea of what is working for your blog or site.

Visualize What People Click

Google Analytics also lets you analyze where people are clicking on your site. You can have information on the percentage of clicks that have happened on each internal link on your site.
Additionally, you can see details and click through to more pages on your site to see more details. It can help you visually see what areas of your site are the most popular. So you can place your ads on your website that receive the most clicks.

Know Your Visitors Interest

Do you want to know what visitors are searching on your site? Do you want to know which keywords drag the visitors to your site or blog?
Google Analytics enables you to see what has been searched by your visitors. It gives you an idea of which pages of your content need more specific information. Furthermore, you can create new content as per visitors interest and engage with them.

Discover If You Need Mobile Version Of Your Website

With the help of Google Analytics, you can find whether you need a mobile version of your website. It lets you see a specific device and the percentage of your total visits that are from a mobile device.
You can check the average time on your site and the bounce rate. If your average time on your site is lower and the bounce rate is higher, then you need to work out on and improve it further.

Identify Which Pages Users Visit More

You can identify which pages have been visited most by your visitors. This will tell you how many people viewed which page and you can determine unique page views also. Furthermore, you can see bounce rate and average time spent on each page too.
By analyzing all the metrics you can evaluate your site’s content to ensure better conversion. If your visitors are searching something on your site then you can update your content as per needs of your visitors.
Sign Up Google Analytics and start knowing your visitor’s behavior and activity.

There are many other ways to analyze your blog and website by using Google Analytics. Do you use Google Analytics for extracting data? If so then share with us in the comments below.
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13 December 2017 at 06:50 ×

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Congrats bro Ratan you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...
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