Metro Style Social Icons for Blogger

Written explanation 
1) Go to Blogger Dashboard → Layout → Page Elements.
2) Add a HTML/JavaScript Gadget.
3) Paste below code in it. 
<div class='metro-social'>
<li><a class="fb" href="nofollow"></a></li>
<li><a class="tw" href=></a></li>
<li><a class="gp" href=""></a></li>
<li><a class="pi" href="nofollow"></a></li>
<li><a class="in" href="nofollow"></a></li>
<li><a class="yt" href=></a></li>
<li><a class="fd" href="nofollow"></a></li>
.metro-social li{position:relative;cursor:pointer;padding:0;list-style:none}
.metro-social .fb,.tw,.gp,.pi,.in,.yt,.fd{z-index:7;float:left;margin:1px;position:relative;display:block}
.metro-social .fb{background:url(// no-repeat center center #1f69b3;width:140px;height:141px}
.metro-social .tw{background:url(// no-repeat center center #43b3e5;width:68px;height:70px}
.metro-social .gp{width:69px;height:70px;background:url(// no-repeat center center #da4a38}
.metro-social .pi{background:url(// no-repeat center center #d73532;width:68px;height:69px}
.metro-social .in{background:url(// no-repeat center center #0097bd;width:69px;height:69px}
.metro-social .yt{background:url(// no-repeat center center #e64a41;width:140px;height:69px}
.metro-social .fd{background:url(// no-repeat center center #e9a01c;width:140px;height:69px}
.metro-social li:hover .fb{background:url(// no-repeat center center #1f69b3}
.metro-social li:hover .tw{background:url(// no-repeat center center #43b3e5}
.metro-social li:hover .gp{background:url(// no-repeat center center #da4a38}
.metro-social li:hover .pi{background:url(// no-repeat center center #d73532}
.metro-social li:hover .in{background:url(// no-repeat center center #0097bd}
.metro-social li:hover .yt{background:url(// no-repeat center center #e64a41}
.metro-social li:hover .fd{background:url(// no-repeat center center #e9a01c}
♥ Replace it USERNAME1 with your facebook Username.
♥ Replace it USERNAME2 with your twitter Username.
♥ Replace it USERNAME3 with your Username.
♥ Replace it USERNAME4 with your pinterest Username.
♥ Replace it USERNAME5 with your linkedin Username.
♥ Replace it USERNAME6 with your youtube Username.
♥ Replace it USERNAME7 with your feedburner Username. 
Save your Widget. 

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