Analyze Your Visitors Using Facebook Insights Analytics Tool

Analyze Your Visitors Using Facebook Insights Analytics Tool

Analyze Your Visitors Using Facebook Insights Analytics Tool
Do you want to analyze your Facebook campaign performance and interact with your user? Well, you can analyze your visitors using Facebook Insights analytics tool. It lets you measure different elements such as page likes, page views, post engagement, reach,
Facebook Insights provides you a clear picture of your audience’s activity on your Facebook fan page. Using Facebook Insights analytics tool for your business help you access to more information. It allows you to easily track the performance of your business or brand’s Page. Furthermore, you can take a more informed decision on your social media marketing strategies.
It is an awesome tool for you to track user interaction on your Facebook Fan Page. Using Facebook Insights analytics tool all the admins of your page can track the activity of the number of active users. In addition, you’ll be able to figure out when to post and what to post in a day.

How You Can Analyze Visitors Using Facebook Insights Analytics Tool

You can access Facebook Insights by going over on your brand page and select ‘Insights’. It will open Insights dashboard where you will find different metrics for a specific period. You can easily track likes, post shares and also evaluate post engagement. Furthermore, you can analyze the metrics by finding whether your campaign is improving or not.

Analyze Your Visitors Using Facebook Insights Analytics Tool Metrics From KrackBot Proteuz Technologies (

Different Metrics of Facebook Insights

Actions Page

Actions on the page show you how many people have taken any actions on your Facebook business page. The action will be the number of clicks on directions, phone number, websites and call to action button. Furthermore, all the actions on the page are also supported by age and gender, location and device type.

Page Views

Total page views indicate the number of people viewed your page in a particular period. You can also analyze your visitor’s activity on page views by demographic metrics such as age and gender, location and others.

Page Likes

Page Likes enable you to track the demographics as well as the locations of your fans and also see their age groups. You can easily customize your posts according to likes and unlikes. It also helps you to identify your previous post as to what exactly people are liking. Use the stats and create a more valuable campaign so it eventually increases more conversion. It allows you to build creative stuff keeping in mind your target audience using demographic information.

Post Reach

Post reach allows you to analyze how many people have actually seen your posts. This metrics helps you see your post views and unique visitor views as well.  You’ll also be able to see your reach in terms of organic searches, paid and viral searches. 

Post Engagements

Post engagements tell you number of times your visitors engaged with your post through likes, comments, and shares. If a particular post has more likes and shares, then it will perform in a much better way. You can make a good connection with your visitors while talking about it. You can focus on the most engaged post by using valuable data including demographics and other stats.

Page Followers

Page followers also help you to build a brand and create awareness among visitors. It shows you a number of people who liked your page and following your page. Your post will have more reach and engagement if you have more followers.


Videos are one of the most engaging and creative things to connect with your audience. It shows you how visitors engage with your videos on your page. Furthermore, it helps you to understand how your content trends over time. 
So try the above Facebook Insights on your business page and make a compelling social media marketing strategies.

Using Facebook Insights analytics tool, you can have plenty of useful information about your Facebook business page. However, it is up to you to extract data and take an informed decision by analyzing it. You can easily find patterns using the Facebook Insights data.
Do you use any other Facebook analytics tools? Please share with us and I’d love to learn from you.
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