Top 10 Reasons Stop You From Making Money Online

Top 10 Reasons 

You've heard enough about these phrases like making money online, how to make money, being your own boss and becoming a millionaire in no time and blah blah blah. I have heard and read about the same sentences in 5 to 7 years since I work online.

Enough of that uproar, right? Let's take a closer look at a very different topic for the day that is "Top 10 Reasons That Stop You Making Money Online" completely opposite to what I mentioned in the first paragraph.

Not making money

I do not write this post to discourage anyone. I will talk with the facts, facts from my personal experience over the past decade. I will clearly mention the reasons why many people will not make money online.

Possible reasons for not earning money

There are some great reasons that will tell you which people create themselves for themselves to stop themselves from making money online on the Internet. Yes, these are real reasons and you need to take care in order to make huge money online. Let's take a quick look at these reasons.

# 1 - Shortcut and people

If you built Rome through a shortcut then you happily say that people will start making huge and big money on the internet using pretty and some ugly shortcuts. I mean, where in the world can I find a beautiful home to live across a shortcut. And where the world is shortened to reach London. People desperately need to think about getting rid of shortcuts now. There is no shortcut to a beautiful and stable future.

You will not make money online if you still use the "shortcut" trick.

# 2 - People are not serious

People are antiques but not dangerous. Making money online is not a joke anymore, it requires serious attention. When I see people who want to make money, but still acting like a clown in comments on putting people who already make money online. Why not seriously think to make money online and start planning it from today, the Internet is full of unlimited resources. I mean, making money online is a serious business.

You will not make money online if you are not serious about it.

# 3 - Lack of passion

There was a great passion behind the invention of the computer I am using now to show you this writing. There was a great passion behind the "electricity" I used now late at night to show my piece. I was excited enough to change my life through the internet. The passion comes from within yourself, it's not something you can borrow or buy. Passion is the second name of success before actual success on earth.

You will not make money online if you are not passionate enough.

# 4 - Lack of knowledge and skills

The most powerful weapon in the modern world is knowledge. The more knowledge you have, the more opportunities you will have to make money online. Do not get me wrong, but you need some great knowledge and skills about the thing that you intend to use in order to make money online on the internet. Tip: The Internet is full of knowledge and skills.

You should not make money online if you do not have enough knowledge and skills.

# 5 - Lack of consistency in performance

In the early days on the Internet, you are able to make a few people willing to make money online. They made some smart income within a few months of time. After that, they went to sleep and waited for more income to automatically come into their pockets. Then they disappeared not only from the Internet but also from my life 🙂 This is why one needs to maintain consistency in order to make more and more and more money online.

You will not make money online, if you are not consistent in what you are doing.

# 6 - Lack of patience

Patience is the most important habit in earning online. If you lack patience then do not expect huge and great money. I myself in the online world in 2009, you know what, I still active like a day but with patience. I always run in a race like "Turtle" and I know that patience will be paid soon.

You should not make good money online if you do not have this habit of patience.

# 7 - A lot of expectations

I started getting successful the day I decided not to expect people. I mean you will not make things happen if you expect to be from other people. For example, you've stopped a temporary project or something someone else expects will come to you and move it forward; seriously, it's a big joke. You must find ways to do it yourself, and never expect others to do it for you. Partnership is something different though.

You will not make money online if you expect a lot of others.

# 8 - No clear path or target

When I have a conversation with people, they usually ask me what they should do. I never understood this question. 
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