best web hosting 2016

best web hosting 2016

Web hosting is the first important thing for a long-term web site. If the hosting service is weak, it will greatly affect your site. Therefore, they should be carefully evaluated before that. Today, I will share my experience with you about Citrond which I've been using myself for the past two months, all the way and will give you a list of the top 5 web hosting companies. Hosting a siteground on the Internet

Why did I relocate my positions to Citrond?

As I mentioned earlier, I used Hustrick for a Pakistani company for about 7 years. At first, they were providing good service including up time and customer support. But in recent months, that company has become very bad in dealing with server-related issues down. Customer support has also become daunting. So I decided to find another company where I can safely move my sites.

I had the Bluest and Hostagator in my mind, but when I searched online, I found that Citrond had more good reviews and found prices very competitive. Therefore, you decided to join Citrogund, but you can look at all the web hosting providers listed below, and check which one is good for your needs and budget.

Important factors to consider in web hosting:

There are many factors that you may want to consider before choosing a web hosting company. The most important is the time it means if the host company keeps your site up and running all the time. This is very important in modern sites, because visitors surf the Internet as quickly as rockets. There are a few factors that one must consider before purchasing the following web hosting:
  1. Ensure follow-up time (99.99)
  2. Server speed
  3. Security
  4. Competitive prices
  5. Customer support (most important)
These 5 are the top pillars of web hosting. There are hundreds of other features that you can see on the home page of each web hosting company and can compare with each other.

You should look more closely at your needs and traffic on your sites, and you must specify web hosting according to your budget and requirements. For example, if your sites receive fewer than 100,000 visitors a month, Citrond is a good option for you.

Top 5 Web Hosting Providers:

There are at least 20 hosting providers which are the most popular among bloggers and site owners. However, I will only choose 5 of them, and you can choose the best one according to your needs and budget. Please watch the video below to understand the importance of long term web hosting.

My 5 Preferred Web Hosting Providers:

  1. Citrond (I use this)
  2. Hostgator (I've used it)
  3. PlayWest (Friends using)
  4. Godady (uses friends)
  5. Namecheap (I used it)

Why would I recommend Citrond?

The simplest reason I recommend Citrond is that I use it myself since the last two months, and it's a world-class web hosting client with responsive response that I love. Moreover, pricing is very competitive. Citrogund also contains Wordpress + Joomla dedicated web hosting that includes additional benefits. I am satisfied with this web hosting so far, which is why I recommend it to my readers. However, you are free to choose from above 5 which is according to your needs and budget.

I will update this article if there are changes in the list of web hosting providers, so we can discuss them here. I have always been involved with the best web hosting companies after testing myself. Currently, I think the above mentioned are ideal.

Please see my web hosting review below in Urdu / Hindi to correctly understand the importance of web hosting and other factors that can be used to determine which hosting provider to choose
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