Tutorial Hacking Facebook Using Phishing Method, Fake Facebook Website

Level: Medium - Fixed

After we wrote some lessons about hacking Facebook:

1. How to hack Facebook account password

2. Facebook hacking using a man in the middle attack

There are some readers asking about phishing technology. This tutorial continued from my last tutorial on "hacking Facebook password account" in the phishing section.

What is phishing?

According to the "
Phishing is a way to try to get information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic connection.
Well ... to make it simpler, let's start the tutorial ... .hands to make us understand better is not it? 😀 lol


1. Facebook offline files (you can view our previous tutorial number 2 in the link above)
Do you know that we have a new update to the importance of Facebook hacking tutorial? View tutorial here

Step by step hacking Facebook tutorial using phishing method:

Before you begin, we wrote this is only for educational purposes and we are not responsible if one day you use this for a passive purpose and the FBI or INTERPOL is looking for you as a criminal and a prison will be ready for you. !! Please remember this !!
1. In this tutorial about hacking Facebook using phishing method we will use not-allowed.com as a free web hosting service, but you can choose the most appropriate one with you.
Update!! : We got a comment from hosting representatives that you can not use this phishing host if you use phishing, they will suspend and terminate your account ... so we remove the link and you can only find another free hosting event. 🙂\
Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site

Click on "I'll be on the top right side page, you can register your account there.
2. Next step you can fill in the required data there.

Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site
3. After step 3 we will send you activation link to your email and your account will be activated. If your account is already active you can click the "Peral" button to go to the hosting control panel.
Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site

4. Inside your hosting control panel, in the "File" section, click "File Manager 1" (File Manager) to download the file.
Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site

5. In File Manager, click "public_html" to navigate to the root web folder.

Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site
6. Inside the public_html folder, you can download all data here so that it can be accessed all over the world. You can choose the download method you want to use, there are "download", "loading java", "flash download" you can choose which one is best for you. Do not forget to zip all of the content before loading so that it can be extracted later.
Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site

7. The next step is to extract the data we already uploaded in the last step. Mark the Zip file and click on WinZip to extract the data.

Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site
8. Here are the data after each extracted data.

Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site
9. Yes everything was set up correctly until this step. Next step we need to configure the database. Go to this link http://cpanel.not-allowed.com/index and click on the "Pinting Tool" section and click "MySQL database"
Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site

10. Next step you will fill all the option in the data base such as name and so on.
Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site

When finished, click the "Bot" button to create the user and database.

11. Now you will have a new database and a new user, you need to go to your "phpMyAdmin" window by clicking the link to download the database.
Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site

12. After you finish everything, and now in the VBayAdmin window, click on the "Import" tab. Do not forget to download the database file below
Download the database

Facebook hacking tutorial using phishing method, fake Facebook site
13. When everything is finished, now is the time to modify the login.php file and view.php file. Open this file using your preferred text editor (eg Notepad, DreMuver, GetIt, etc.).

Then click Browse and download the database that you just downloaded before, and click "Go" when finished.

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