how to recover deleted posts on facebook timeline

Facebook Deleted Post Archieved

Recently, one of my blogs got some technical problems. Despite trying both of my methods, the issues were not solved so I had to contact my hosting company. They said, they will restore the last backup of my website, and I allowed. But surprisingly, I saw two jobs missing when my site was restored. The hosting company gave me the reason that they have a backup of my site just until a certain date. Let me explain a simple trick on how these two functions were recovered.

Why should you get posts again?

When you publish a post, most often, it is indexed quickly in Google (at least for web sites created using a good crawl rate). The newly published article / article begins with a ranking in Google. Once this article / article disappears from your blog, it gives a pretty 404 error page that bothers Google. And it's not good to get a better user experience as well as a long-term SEO.

There is a fixed and permanent title for each article / post. Search engines send traffic to the specified URL, which must always be on. If you lose a post, this url will create a default 404 error page. To avoid this, you must re-share it and link it to the title itself.

How to retrieve posts?

Now the hard part is that how to recover any deleted or lost share. You can simply do this by selecting the first link / url from this post / posts. You can do this by going to the social profiles / pages where you've shared the url (s) when they were first published. Just get the link from there, and the rest of the task is easy.

Once the address is known, and it already exists in your hand, use the following tools to retrieve your articles and republish them on your site / blog with the same URL as before, so that search engines can send visitors to that article.

Practical steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Paste the url title there
  3. You'll find pages stored by
  4. If you do not find the missing page there
  5. Use
  6. Just paste the URL and url at
  7. You will find the article / article
  8. Copy and paste into your site
  9. all is OK… is a global directory for storing sites and pages. You must first check the lost / last page there, if you did not find it there then use which is likely to have your deleted post / article ready to be retrieved, because it takes data directly from the cache from Google. Google's cache is another place where each web page is indexed separately. I hope, you will get lost pages / posts again very soon after using the simple tools listed above.

If you have any questions then feel free to ask them in the comments section below. I always try to answer questions that are useful to other readers. Happy blogging.
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